We understand you might have some questions. Here are answers to some of the most common queries we receive. If your question isn't listed here, feel free to reach out to us on our Contact Page.

    What are the requirements for opening an account?

    Visit the link here to see the requirements

    Is there a setup cost?

    No, there is no setup cost charged for getting started with Inkress.

    Do I need to have a website?

    No, you can share payment links via DM's, Chats or Emails.

    Do I need to have a Registered Business?

    No, you can accept payments to your personal bank accounts.

    Is Inkress Safe to use?

    Yes, your money is held and processed by the financial institutions (banks and payment processors), which are regulated thoroughly.

    How long do transactions take?

    Transactions are typically processed in Real-Time.

    How long before I have access to my money?

    Depending on your payment provider of choice your money can be available to you within a few minutes of your customer paying.

    What are the transaction fees?

    This will vary depending on your plan. Our entry level fees is: 2%. Please note that for customers subscribed to our higher level plans, may be subject to reduced or custom transaction fees. These fee's are exclusive of the payment provider fees.

    How do I setup an Inkress Account?

    Submit your information using the registration form or email us for a guided walkthrough of the setup process.

    You'll need to have a bank account and a valid TRN and form of ID.

    For Registered Businesses, processing many transactions you may need to provide your articles of incorporation, a valid Tax Compliance Certificate and your Directors ID's.